With Chantal Davison
Check out these eggs-tra special craft ideas!
Leaf wreath
Shine at the Easter
bonnet parade with
this sparkly wreath!
3 plastic dinner plates;
blue glitter; purple
glitter; toothpicks;
7 large and 7 small
polystyrene eggs; PVA
glue; paintbrush; egg
carton; pencil; scissors;
A4 sheet light green
cardboard; A4 sheet dark green cardboard:
thick ribbon
STEP 2 Enlarge Bunny Bucket Diagram
on a photocopier so it is big enough to
fit your ice-cream container (see pic,
below). Glue a sheet of pink felt to A4
card. Let dry. Trace Bunny Face and
2 Feet onto cardboard and cut out.
Bunny bucket
Make your very own bunny bucket
for this year's Easter egg hunt!
STEP 3 Trace 2 Bunny Ear Inserts onto
white felt. Cut out and glue in place on
pink ears. Glue on googly eyes, large
white pom-poms as cheeks and a small
pink pom-pom as a nose. Allow to dry.
Clean cylindrical 1L ice-cream container;
measuring tape; marker pen; 2 A4
sheets pink felt; A4 sheet white felt;
2 A4 sheets white card; scissors;
PVA glue;
2 large googly eyes;
2 large white pom-poms; 1
small pink
pom-pom; 1
large pink pom-pom; large
rubber band; hole punch; 2 large brad
fasteners; white ribbon
Leaf Wreath
Enlarge to suit
STEP 4 Put glue on heel of each foot,
then stick to bottom of container. Glue
a large pink pom-pom at back of
container for a tail.
STEP 1 Pour blue glitter onto 1
plate and
purple glitter onto another. Stick toothpicks
into bottoms of eggs. Brush glue onto eggs
and roll large eggs in blue glitter and small
eggs in purple glitter. Poke toothpick end into
upside-down egg carton and leave to dry.
STEP 5 Cover back of Bunny's face in
glue, then stick to front of container.
Hold face in place with a rubber band
until the glue dries.
STEP 1 Measure height of ice-cream
container as well as circumference around
the top. Add 1
cm to height measurement.
Draw a rectangle this size on one piece
of pink felt and cut out. Coat container in
glue and wrap felt around it. Fold under
excess felt, glue
to bottom of
the container
and let dry.
STEP 6 To make a handle, mark and cut
out a piece of cardboard, 4 x 30cm.
Apply glue to both sides and wrap in
leftover pink felt. Make a hole at each
end of handle with a hole punch. Make a
hole in both sides of container, near
the top. Bend handle, line up holes and
push a brad fastener through each to
secure in place.
STEP 2 Enlarge Leaf Wreath Diagram on
a photocopier so leaf is big enough to suit
plastic plate (see pic, above left). Trace
7 leaves on light green card and 7 on dark.
Cut out and fold each in half to make a crease.
STEP 3 Make a hole in centre of unused
plastic plate. Use this as a starting point to
cut out and remove middle of plate, leaving
the rim whole. Glue leaves to ring, alternating
colours, then eggs, alternating sizes. Let dry.
Bunny Bucket Diagram
Enlarge to suit
STEP 7 Tie white
ribbon into a bow, glue
to handle and let dry.
Now you're ready to
Easter goodies!
STEP 4 Cut ribbon in 2 equal lengths and
gluato back of plate. Let dry. Tie ribbons
ia a npw and it's time for the parade!
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Bunny Ear
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